Monday, October 21, 2019

analysis of Prverts paroles essays

analysis of Prvert's paroles essays Q: Discuss Prverts ideas of childhood and youth with reference to poems from Paroles. Jacques Prvert was born on the 4th February 1900 in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Famous poet, scriptwriter and close friend of artists Picasso and Motand; he was a prominent figure of the post war cultural scene in Paris. Known for the phenomenal success of his collection of poems Paroles and his key role in the French surrealist movement; Prverts early childhood days were far from the successful figure he later became. Prverts younger childhood days were a very happy time for him. He had fond memories of this time and this was often reflected in his work. However, when Prvert was 7 years old (in 1906) his father, Andr lost his job; and the idyllic, carefree childhood young Jacques had once known, disappeared all at once. The family moved to a hotel in the poorest quarters of Paris. Prverts world was turned upside down, into that of a working class Paris and its Parisian street urchins. Childhood is a recurrent metaphor of poetic imagination and eternal youth, and is a prevalent feature in his work in Paroles. It is believed that Prverts own childhood has had a strong influence in his ideas both positively and negatively. The purpose of this essay is to discuss this idea. Prverts father finally got a job working in the central office for the poor of Paris. He would find families and assess their financial situation. His father was dealing with some of the poorest people in the city. Prvert who was only seven years old at the time evokes this memory in the poem La Grasse Matine Lazy Day. This is a poem, which vividly evokes the readers imagination and tells the tale of the torment of someone unab ...

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