Thursday, November 21, 2019

Professional skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professional skills - Essay Example School does not prepare you for these challenges out in the real world. One of the challenges relates to job decisions I had to make. The central challenge was to locate a job, which took me a long time. I sent many applications with no response. Here is an evidence of one application I sent with no response. Students wonder why they have to think about their career already or their future for that matter. It probably still seems too far away in the presence of more irresistible subjects such as final exams and housing lottery. On the contrary, students tend not to think of knowing exactly what to do after college. Instead, they prioritize college life, with primary aim of succeeding in the respective courses. However, if you imagine yourself in a certain career at that moment, it would remain an excellent opportunity to start making dreams a reality. In addition, even if you are not sure of what you want to do, it is still helpful to maintain focus. In fact, it is even more indispensable to maintain focus because of the many decisions that waits in the future. Moreover, It is would be imperious to not change your major course hastily while in college. Rather, an individual ought to remain vigilant and mindful while critically analyzing the available success opportunities. Possible careers now may also help you make other decisions while in college, including what activities to participate in and which courses to study. In College, an individual gets the exposure to many different opportunities and ideas within a single place. Moreover, looking ahead of time can also serve as a powerful motivator. Students who have even a vague sense of direction tend to do better than those who really do not know why they are in college. As a contemporary college student, you have many resources at your disposal, from the library to the career services office. You also have the internet, which can provide a wealth

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